Middle East War (Middle East war) | World History - Chi ...
Middle East War (Middle East war)
[The following] year objected to Israel was the Declaration of Independence, starting from the fact that Arab countries were marching to Palestine. Revolutionary War for Israel, the Arab side is referred to as the Palestine war. Arab - is also referred to as Israel war. Was following year truce, which by about 0 of Palestine will be Israel territory, Palestinian refugees has occurred. [The next] also referred to as the Suez war. Egypt after the revolution of the year, had been promoting such as the Aswan High Dam project with the aim of economic independence. Years, for that the United States withdrew the same dam construction assistance, President Nasser declared the Suez Canal nationalization. Britain and France failed in the international management plan for the canal were troops in the Suez district following the sudden Egyptian invasion of Israel (October date).